4 years already?! This past year has been the most challenging and the most rewarding as a mother and I'm so lucky to be Cora's mom. She is the sweetest child, friend, and big sister.
Cora is a chatty girl who starts talking the second she wakes up and doesn't stop until the second before she goes to sleep... she even talks in her sleep sometimes. She often tells us she loves us and that we're the best mom/dad/little sister ever/dog ever. She loves waving hi to neighbors walking down the street and can often be found looking out the window to see if there are any friends or dogs around. Cora is always making friends wherever she goes and I'm often reminded how perfect that she got her middle name from my grandma Jean (who was a friend to everyone).
Cora is always making me laugh even when she isn't trying (see Conversations With Cora here, here, here, and here). She's sassy and bold and little stubborn (apple doesn't fall far from the tree). She knows her style and loves to pick out her own outfits. Her outfits usually consist of many many layers, at least one dress, and these crazy red fuzzy socks I got her for Christmas.
Cora is overall just a really good person. She is really helpful and loves to sweep, wash dishes, dig in the garden, and assist with whatever chore I'm working on. She's always makes me want to be a better person and scolds me when I have a little road rage... Usually going something like me saying the other person is a dumb dumb and she says "thats not nice, they're probably a nice person". She is also good at praying each night and thanking God for all of the little things like a snack, our old neighbor, and doing chores. We pray for things we need to work on and she wiggles her pointer finger at me knowingly when we're talking about things I need to work on.
Happy birthday sweet Cora Jean! You have been one of the biggest blessings and I'm so lucky that I get to be your Mommy! Xxoo!