
Conversations With Cora : Part IV

I haven't done this since before Ida was born, but I wanted to share some of my favorites from the last couple months...
Me: What do we celebrate on Thanksgiving?
Cora: FOOD!!!
Me: What are you thankful for?
Cora: Food, cleaning the floor, and our new house

'reading' a fortune cookie "You are going to be happy!"

We were having dinner at my parent's house and the lights were dimmed and out of nowhere Cora lifts her hands up and starts saying "I'm a zoooombie....  braaaains!"

My mom and Cora were talking about my grandpa in heaven (one of her favorite topics) and she asked if my mom was sad about it.  My mom said she was sad... then Cora says "yeah, I feel sad when my tv turns off."

My mom was sick and Cora was over there hanging out with my brother.  She went up to talk to my mom and my mom told them to have fun when they left the room... and Cora said "Have fun hanging by yourself Honey!"

"I gotta go to the doctor... cause I'm gonna throw up... all over the baby's face!"

"Ida said her first word!  She said 'I love my sister Cora Jean!!!'"
At the park one of the Dad's commented on her Elsa outfit "I'm not Elsa, it's just a costume" and did a major eye roll.

LIQUID = licorice
BIDEO = Video
SAMPLE STORE = Sam's club

Cora: Do I smell like cuties?!
Me: yes (I wanna see where this is going)
Cora: yeah cause I'm orange (insert her little eye roll duh face)

After working hard on his office for at least a week:
Ben: Cora, what do you think of my office?
Cora: Not Good

I love all of the laughter this girl has brought into our lives.
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