
Desk :: Part II

Check out Part I if you missed it.
I decided I would hold off on putting a clear coat on the desk because a) it is getting too cold outside and I don't want all the fumes in the house and b) I am thinking of doing a little more distressing and may just wait to see what happens naturally to it as well.

Purchased some glass knobs at Hobby Lobby.  I originally was looking for something round, but these squarish ones just spoke to me.
Put the casters back on.  Moved it into it's new spot in the living room and loaded some stuff on to it.
Here are some final pictures:
It is perfect!  The finished project has added a couple things to my to do list:
1. find a better chair or a cushion since the chair I painted isn't very comfy
2. figure out a way to camouflage the abundance of wires
3. paint the filing cabinet that is next to the desk.  color suggestions?
4. make a sewing machine cover since it mostly sits to the side collecting dust.
5. get glass cut for that bird picture... and possibly re-mat
6. come up with drawer organization
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