
Walks With Cora : Our Cry Date

I generally tend to gloss over most of the difficult parts of parenting when I'm sharing on social media because nobody wants to hear about my kid crying because I wouldn't let her wear 6 shirts to the grocery store or how I had to wash my sheets 3 times this week because of both children having accidents. I don't really enjoy complaining and I don't want to 'blast' my child's issues to the world.. so while my kids are pretty good most of the time they definitely have their moments and tantrums. Both Cora and I have been missing our one-on-one time now that Ida isn't napping as much.  I made a point to get some alone time with Cora, but it wasn't the most enjoyable.  Eventually she calmed down and we got a little bit of chatting and walking in.  

Towards the end of our walk, I asked her what she wanted to call our dates and she whispered with a little whine "cry dates"... later she told me she just wanted to call it a date, but I think I want to stick with calling our time together Cry Dates.

Despite the annoying parts of our walk, it was still nice to get out with Cora just the two of us.  Now that Ida is getting a little older, I want to make more of an effort to go on these dates and make sure Cora really knows how much I enjoy our time together.

She's been really into wearing her 3 year old shirt and I can't believe how much she has changed since the first time she wore it (see her 3rd birthday pictures here). Cora turns 4 next week, so I'm spending a lot of time this week thinking about life with Cora and getting super excited for the upcoming celebrations.

See more #WalksWithCora

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